Monday, June 1, 2009

Quit Smoking

May 31st is celebrated as world No Tobacco day.It was first celebrated on 1987. April 7th celebrated as no smoking day.On may 31st 2008 as a part of Smoke Free Ontario Act,tobacco power walls and displays at the stores was banned.

The Logo of the World No Tobacco Day of the World Health Organisation is an Ashtray with a Rose.

We all know smoking is very poisonous to our health.But most of the people started smoking as a hobby.Smoking is two ways active and passive.That means smoking affects the smoker and also the people who are standing nearby the smoker.So smoker will do harm not to himself but also to the family and also society.

Smoking is the main reson for many of the diseases and premature death. According to recent studies conducted by AMA, American Cancer society and the American Lung and Heart Associations, cigarette smoking is one of the main causes of premature death.Smoking is also resulted into Lung Cancer. A survey revealed that the deaths of 85000 men who died of the lung cancer and 65000 women who died of lung and bronchus diseases.

Cigeratte contains a definite amount of Nicotine.Nicotine goes into the body of the smoker trough each puff.Nicotine is very poisonous like heroine.It becoming an addiction.After each puff the blood level is tend to reduce and it reduces to more than half during 1 hour.It also increases the smoker’s heart beat rate. There is more chance to get the cancer for Smokers than nonsmokers.

Nowadays ladies also do smoking.It leads to Breast Cancer.Smoking blocks the heart veins, so smoker have to bear the pain of heart attack. A severe attack sometimes results into death. Finally one day the nicotine takes our life.

Smoking give troubles to non smokers also

Side stream smoke is that when a person inhales smoke that comes out from the burning of tobacco. On the other hand, the mainstream smoke is that when a person inhales smoke while a person is smoking.Both these types of smoking are called Secondhand smoke or Passive smoker. Secondhand smoke can cause nonsmokers to cough, sneeze, and suffer eye irritations.

There are number of poisonous substances we inhale while a person smokes. Nearly 4000 poisonous substances can be found in secondhand smoke. They entered into our body and 40 among them can be carcinogens.Secondhand smoke belongs to the class of carcinogens. Secondhand smoke contains a high amount of carcinogen. Therefore the active smoker is inhaling lower quantity of carcinogen than the Passive smoker.

Why the people ignoring these risks?

They only think about their 2 or 3 minute’s happiness only.They didn’t know that through smokinh the are giving slow poisoning to their own body.They didn’t think about the society and family.Many of the Governments spending a lot of money for the medical field.If we take a good determination to quit smoking and the use of tobaccos,it will be useful for us,our family,our society and ultimately for our country.

So why u wait to quit smoking?

The No tobacoo day and no smoking day are celebrated to give an awreness about the dangers of smoking.We can make posters ,forums etc to give awareness about this.Trough making certain short films which shows the dangers of smoking and exposing that video to the public,will be an effective way.

But the real awareness and determination should be come from the smokers` mind itself.Then only they can quit smoking.For that they have to be engaged in something when the had the feel to smoke.

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop

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